“Christian” education . . . what does that really mean? As parents, we say that we value our children getting a “Christian” education, but what do we really mean by that? For some, a Christian education means the same math text, the same history books, the same everything, but with Bible verses added to each page. For others, a Christian education means that Chapel attendance is required and there is Bible curriculum presented at some point throughout the day.
Christian education should mean so much more than that. A Chapel service or a Bible verse memorized is valuable, yes, and deserving of our attention. Those actions, however, are like dipping your toes in the cool water of a lake on a hot day. As the mercury in the thermometer climbs to triple digits, a pinky toe in the lake is hardly enough. Isn’t it better to dive fully in, letting that cool clean water surround you?
A Christian education should be just like that – refreshing and beautifully overwhelming all at once. Just as an overheated swimmer glides through a lake, our kids should be swimming in their faith, experiencing it, living it, and being challenged by it throughout their education.
When students come to Libertas Academy, yes there are Chapel services, and yes there are Bible memory verses. But a Christian education here means it is all-consuming. It seeps into everything we do. Mathematics points to an orderly Creator. Science reveals the creativity of God. Language studies open up an entirely deeper way of understanding His Word. Physical Education reminds us that in Him we live, and move, and have our being. (Acts 17:28). History reveals “His – story”, how He has moved in this world from the formation of Adam from dust to the very moment you are reading this.
In fact, all of education should be “Christian”, meaning it points us to Him and reveals Him to us. When you send your child to our school, you are communicating something critically important to your child: your education matters, and it matters far beyond the academics. The beauty of a classical, Christian education is that you get both: rigorous academics and deep meaning.
And shouldn’t those be inseparable anyway? Education devoid of the divine is simple and incomplete. An education overwhelmed and overrun by God’s truth, beauty, and goodness is spectacularly full and worthy of the precious hours given to it each day.
Holly Kalton
Head of School, Libertas Academy